The objects found in the excavations tell about the household of the Castle inhabitants mainly during the 17th century. Iron knife handles were made of wood, bone or antler, whetstones were used to sharpen them; a barrel's faucet was made of bronze with a cylindrical pin and a rooster-shaped stopper. Fragments of pipes made of white clay testify to the immorality of smoking; playing music - a musical instrument made of iron “a vargan” or mouth harp, but the presence of a merchant - metal scales. Iron and clay candlesticks were used to illuminate the rooms, but book reading is indicated by the bronze plating of a book.
Barrel bronze faucet with faceted tip and a rooster-shaped stopper
Iron handles of a chest (?) with figural ends
Fragments of white clay pipe
Commodity lead seal with marks on both sides
Fragment of a whetstone
Iron knife
Fragment of a red clay candlestick
Iron beard knife with a riveted bone handle
Piece of flint
Bronze furnishing of a book decorated with cut lines
Iron chain link
Fragment of an iron horseshoe
Part of an antler handle
Lead disc
Fragment of a porcelain pipe-head decorated with a green and blue pattern, and fragments of white clay pipe stems, decorated with embossed flowers
Fragment of a white clay pipe without ornaments
Wooden handle
Fragment of a graphite stylus
Fragments of an iron hoop
Iron scales with bronze scale pans
Photographed by Jānis Puķītis
Iron vargan or mouth harp
Photographed by
Jānis Puķīti
Iron knife with a riveted wooden handle and a bronze cover plate
Photographed by
Jānis Puķīti
Iron knife with
a riveted antler handle
Photographed by
Jānis Puķītis
Part of a bronze faucet stopper for a barrel