
Cultural-educational activities of Vidzeme Parish School Teacher Training Seminary and its students. Middle of the 19th cent. – beginning of the 20th. cent.


The exibition presents the history of the Valkas-Lugaži region (end of the18th cent. – beginning of the 20th cent.), activities of the teacher and founder of the Latvian choir culture - Jānis Cimze (1814-18810), his teacher training seminary and his Latvian and Estonian students.


It is possible to listen to the sounds of the exhibited musical instruments (organ, piano, harmonium), to look at the first original editions of the choir song collection „Dziesmu rota” („Song Ornament”).


The exibition is supplemented by digital information on the activities of the seminary students, the wax figure “Jānis Cimze, the teacher of teachers” (author -  K.Alainis) and a holographic projection of the book „Song Ornament” published in 1872.